Tom Parks Travel Award
Thomas N. Parks Student Travel Award
This award was established to honor the distinguished tenure of Thomas N. Parks as Chair of the Department of Neurobiology from 1992 through 2007. The award of $400 in travel support will be available to eligible graduate students in the Department of Neurobiology to attend a scientific course or conference. The number of awards made in a given year is limited by the funds available and will be distributed on a first‐come‐first‐served basis.
Requests for support must be submitted no less than 3 months before the meeting or course start date. If attending a scientific conference, the student must present a talk or a poster. Students interested in applying should download and complete the application form found hereand submit it to the Director of Graduate Studies. Once approved, funds will be made available through the travel account when the travel number for the trip is set up.
A student may only receive this award once. Students who receive travel support from another source at the University of Utah (e.g. Neuroscience Program or Graduate School) are not eligible to receive a Parks Travel Award for the same meeting or course.
Those interested can fill out the application form.