FAQs about Graduate Certificate in Anatomical Health Sciences
Do I need to start in the Fall term?
A: Yes, currently the Foundations of Human Biology course serves to introduce the apps and technologies needed to successfully participate in the other core courses so this needs to be taken first.
How long does the certificate take to complete?
A: The certificate is designed to be a 2 semester program, allowing students to complete it in a single academic year.
Can I skip a semester?
Yes, students can skip a term. All requirements for a certificate to be awarded must be completed within a 3 year timeframe. It is recommended that students contact the program director prior to admission or as soon as possible to discuss skipping semesters.
Do I need to live in Utah to participate?
No, in fact, you can live anywhere in the USA or even the world so long as you have a dependable internet connection and are able to participate live during synchronous sessions. The only course that does require physically being at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City is the ANAT 6500 Anatomical Sciences Lab.
Why is the Anatomical Sciences Lab in-person?
A: ANAT 6500 is an intensive 2-week in person bootcamp where students will gain hands on experience with dissection of human cadavers
Can I take individual courses rather than the whole program?
A: No, the certificate program is not designed for students to take just a course or two. Students admitted to the program must start with ANAT 6300 (Foundations of Human Biology) and ANAT 6310 (Organ Systems of the Trunk) in the Fall term.
Can I take the Anatomical Sciences Lab first?
A: No, this lab is not available until the 4 core courses have been successfully completed.
Can I take all the courses in the same term?
A: No, while the courses have quite a bit flexibility each week as to when students engage, there are also collaborative and interactive activities, so students need to take courses at the same time as their classmates.
What is non-matriculated status?
A: This means a student is enrolled at the University of Utah but is not enrolled in a degree granting program. Certificates are officially awarded by the University of Utah, but do not confer a degree (Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral).
Am I eligible for financial aid?
A: Generally, non-matriculated students are not eligible for Federal student financial aid. There may be private scholarships and aid available to students outside of Federal aid programs. Prospective students should contact the University of Utah Financial Aid and Scholarships department at 801-581-6211 for more details and information.
What technological requirements are there for me to take this program?
A: All students must have a computer with a webcam, stable internet access, and basic software such as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, or something similar. Other apps will be required but can be downloaded as directed.
Will I have to purchase software?
A: Students will need basic apps such as CANVAS, Word or Powerpoint. These are available free to active University of Utah students. All other apps required can be downloaded free of charge.
Will I have to purchase books?
A: Students will be able to access all materials for the course free of charge, either directly through the CANVAS course page or via links to the Eccles Health Sciences webpage where enrolled U. of Utah students have access to texts and other e-materials.